
在社交、身体和学术上. 这种结合 这些因素使得今年对学生来说特别具有挑战性. In regards to academics, students will need to consider the impact that their 目前的学习成绩已经走上了他们将来要走的轨道 高中开始. 在八年级获得高分是一种 foundation that allows a student to begin high school on the most rigorous 学术之路.

随着学生的成长和成熟,他们应该 了解对学术材料有深刻理解的价值


许多高中的现实是,一旦学生被安排在一个 特殊的九年级学业轨迹,可能很难提升 到后来的高中更严格的轨道,甚至勤奋 学生作业和个性化关注.


在数学方面,许多学生将首先接触代数 以及几何概念,这些概念将会成为很多东西的基础 他们在高中要做的数学作业.


在友谊不断变化的时期,人们越来越渴望 独立,以及其他相关的社会挑战,这些群体 动力学对学生来说尤其具有挑战性.

A particularly valuable use of time during eighth grade is to begin to practice study and time management skills.

It is important to keep in mind that it is much easier for students to practice these organizational and planning skills before the quantity and rigor of work – both inside and outside of the classroom – increases than to try to develop these skills once they are already in the thick of high school.

而中学课程则因州而异, there are general content areas that students in 8th grade will be working on independent of location.

同时在严格的高中数学安排, 英语, and science courses will continue to push students to develop a growth mindset in regard to their academic performance, they will also position students to take the honors and Advanced Placement classes throughout high school that will distinguish their academic transcripts when time comes to apply to college.

An additional important aspect of 8th grade in an increasing ability for students to make decisions on how they spend their time.

Students may have the opportunity to decide which foreign language – in most cases Spanish or French – they will study in high school, and it is important for students to begin to explore their passions and interests and what type of extracurriculars may align with these are once they begin 9th grade



The content mastery that these 8th grade students have demonstrated to this point in time must not abate at this late point of middle school. The grades that students receive this year will heavily influence the 学术之路 on which these students are placed as freshmen, and this track will have a significant impact on determining what courses are available to these students later in high school.

As students in 8th grade with high academic achievement are on a track towards taking rigorous classes once they begin high school, it is essential now to develop the types of study habits and time management skills that will allow for a smoother transition to this increased workload. Many students struggle once high school begins because their current approach to studying is not transferable to the increased classwork and extracurricular work that occurs in high school.

A significant aspect of encouraging students to work to develop these skills is to develop a mindset that inspires them to learn these traits. Many students at with these grades are content with simply doing the minimal amount of work to receives A’s in classes they may not find challenging, 但这种态度可能会在大一开始时带来挑战.


Students in 8th grade who have demonstrated the content mastery to receive B grades, 但不是A, to this point in their academic careers must work to identify and develop areas of skill weakness that are separating them from the extra points needed to receive top marks.

This is particularly essential at this point in time as colleges only consider a student’s Grade Point Average starting in 9th grade. 因此, if a student could develop the particular skills that allow him or her to receive A’s come the beginning of high school, then he or she can begin to work towards the Grade Point Average and course load that is coveted by the most-competitive colleges.

A significant part of this push to the top of the grade scale will be fostering a growth mindset – the student’s belief in his or her own ability to overcome whatever challenges have previously held him or her back from becoming an “A student.” Some students are comfortable being "B students" because they are bored with the material. These students would benefit from immersive extracurriculars that tie back into their academic work.


Students in 8th grade who are receiving predominantly C grades or below still have time to build the skill mastery and content knowledge to improve their academic performance. As colleges only consider a student’s Grade Point Average beginning in 9th grade, a student that develops essential academic and study skills before that time can enter high school as an “A Student” or a “B student.”

The influence of a student’s academic marks in 8th grade on high school class placement is also particularly important. If students can receive higher grades at this point in time and start high school on a more-rigorous track, it will make it easier for these students to end high school in honors and Advanced Placement classes assuming continued progress.
